THE first of two projects aimed at helping visitors to Barnard Castle get the most out of their time in the Teesdale town is being launched this week.

The Barney Guild – the town's traders' association – is unveiling the Barney Trail in time for Easter.

The trail comes in the form of a shopping map which shows the location of all 92 Barney Guild members as well as some of the town's must-see attractions such as the castle, Market Cross and The Bowes Museum.

Tony Woods, chairman of Barney Guild, said: “The distance covered is less than a mile, but could take some time to complete if visitors avail themselves of all the opportunities to shop, eat, drink and pamper themselves along the way.

“For those in the party who don't like shopping, the map identifies points of interest throughout the journey to keep the walk entertaining.”

The map will be available from Barney Guild members.

The guild is also involved in a second town trail project.

The Castle and Bowes Town Trail is aimed at encouraging families to extend their stay and explore the town more fully.

Details are still being developed, but the Castle and Bowes trail is likely to include the launch of a Barnard Castle passport.

One idea is to give children a passport at the start of their Barnard Castle adventure and ask them to collect stamps as they and their families make their way from the Bowes Museum to the castle via a series of I-Spy questions.

Visitors would receive stamps free of charge by calling in at each of the participating venues.

Organisers say stamps would not be dependent on either paying admission or buying something at a venue.

Another idea is to invite visitors with a full set of stamps on their passport to enter a prize draw and sign up as a Friend of Barnard Castle.

Friends of Barnard Castle would then receive occasional special offers from The Bowes Museum, castle and Barney Guild members.

It is hoped to launch the Castle and Bowes trail in late spring.

Barney Guild is also planning the launch of a new town website –

A temporary holding page is being set up to give details about what is happening in the town over Easter, including a beer festival, art exhibitions, live music, children's activities and special offers in the shops.

The website will then be developed into a permanent resource for the town.