A CHARITY has launched a campaign highlighting the dangers of kidney disease after a survey revealed people in the North-East know least about it in the country.

The national survey was carried out by Kidney Research UK and found that 93 per cent of people from the North-East have little or no knowledge of kidney disease, its causes or its symptoms.

And although it can affect anyone at any age, 71 per cent of North-East residents believed it posed no threat to them.

Sandra Currie, Chief Executive of Kidney Research UK, said: “This survey highlights a deeply worrying lack of awareness in the North East when it comes to kidney disease and goes some way to explain why the disease has reached epidemic proportions in the UK.”

Kidney Research UK recently launched a new appeal called ‘Go Purple’, to highlight the dangers of kidney disease and offer a free online kidney health check.

Visit www.kidneyresearchuk.org to take the check and to learn more about Go Purple.