DARLINGTON woman Elizabeth Hartley was surrounded by friends and family as she celebrated her 100th birthday at the  weekend.

The devoted family woman was centre stage at a party thrown in her honour at the Rosemary Court sheltered housing complex on Saturday (March 23).

Mrs Hartley, who was married for 50 years, worked as a domestic supervisor at the town's Hundens Lane hospital and is a devoted mother to Carole Turnbull. 

She has four grand children, nine great grandchildren and five great great grandchildren.

Sue Gardiner, scheme leader at Rosemary Court, said: “Mrs Hartley came to us last year after living independently until she was 99. She is a very popular tenant, everybody likes her.

“She worked all her life and she is quite a comical character, all the staff get on with her, she is just laid back and for a 100-year-old, she is doing really well.”

Mrs Hartley received her telegram from the Queen before joining more than 40 guests to enjoy a buffet and live music at her party.