YARM School became the first team in the North-East to lift one of the most prestigious trophies in schools rugby at Twickenham.

The school's under-18 team were 17-15 victors in the Daily Mail RBS Vase final at the home of rugby in front of a travelling army of about 500 Yarm fans.

Six coachloads of staff, pupils and parents made a 6am start from Teesside to Twickenham, the world's largest rugby stadium, to witness Yarm see off Felsted School, of Essex.

Yarm twice trailed in an exciting encounter, but second-half tries from Conor Hartigan and Will Guthrie – who scored the winning points - turned the tide. Zach Kibirige, who plays for Newcastle Falcons, scored Yarm's opening try in the first half.

Deputy headmaster David Woodward, who travelled down on one of the convoy of coaches, expressed his pride at the school's first success in the Daily Mail Vase, regarded alongside the Daily Mail Cup as the most prestigious competitions in schools rugby.

“The players should be proud of themselves,” said Mr Woodward. “They've shown the commitment and dedication, they've understood the nature of the event they're in, and that they were representing the school and the region. For that, I couldn't ask any more.

“It's brilliant to win, but we're proud that they got to Twickenham in the first place. It's the furthest we've got in a school rugby competition, so it was a fantastic experience.

“I've been amazed by the level of support. You could feel the sense of community in the stands, sharing the moment with the players.”

For Mr Woodward, it was a double celebration, as his son Joshua was a second-half replacement for the side coached by head of rugby Stuart Hardy.

“To see your own son wearing the shirt and making an impact made me very proud to watch him grow into a rounded young man,” said Mr Woodward of Joshua, who is in upper sixth and played his final game for the school team on Saturday.

The Northern Echo: Yarm Supporters
Yarm supporters in the stands

“It's a momentous thing for the lads leaving. Their schools rugby career finished on the turf at Twickenham.”