MAKE-up and toiletries have been donated by staff and students at Middlesbrough College for vulnerable women who have fled violence.

To mark the recent international women’s day, the campus decided to offer practical support to the Harbour Middlesbrough Refuge which provides sanctuary for women needing a safe place to stay after escaping an abusive partner.

After lecturer Paula Bednarz-Withers and Cath Cooke, Head of Business Development Health and Care, made an appeal they were inundated with toothpaste, shower gel, shampoo, gift sets and cosmetics.

Lesley Gibson, Chief Executive Office at Harbour Middlesbrough Refuge, said: “The donation from Middlesbrough College is extremely welcome.

“Often when women flee an abusive partner they, and their children, arrive at the centre with just the clothes they are wearing.

“We give every woman who arrives a welcome pack and we include everyday essential things that the rest of us take for granted like toiletries, underwear, and a toothbrush.

“Donations like this let the women know they are not isolated, that somebody cares and that the community is willing to support them.”

The Harbour Middlesbrough Refuge provides 15 accommodation units for women and children, ranging in size from one-bedroom to three-bedroomed flats.

Staff also provide advice and support to men who are suffering at the hands of a violent partner and provide outreach support to women who remain in abusive relationships.