A LINDISFARNE-based artist and author will demonstrate her skills tomorrow (Saturday, March 23).

Mary Fleeson of the Lindisfarne Scriptorium on Holy Island will show visitors to Durham Cathedral’s Undercroft how she works between 11am and 3pm.

The event will also see the launch of a new work by Ms Fleeson to celebrate the upcoming loan of the Lindisfarne Gospels to Durham from July to September.

The piece is inspired by a page from the medieval manuscript’s John’s Gospel and incorporates her own style of freehand knotwork.

Signed prints will be on sale in the Cathedral shop.

Ms Fleeson has lived on Lindisfarne since 1997. She has produced more than 50 artworks and several books.

The Lindisfarne Scriptorium was founded in 1999, inspired by the monks who created the Lindisfarne Gospels and other treasures.