HEARTLESS thieves have stolen a Help for Heroes charity tin from a village fish and chip shop.

Crooks broke into the Davy Lamp, in Kelloe, near Durham, late at night on Sunday, March 10.

They caused no damage inside the store but stole a pickled egg-style jar containing about £260 donated by villagers and destined for the armed forces charity.

Owner David Davison said: “We take the jar home every weekend – we just forgot this once.

“We locked up on Saturday afternoon and I was in on Sunday but when I came back on Monday the back door had been prised open.

“I felt awful. I felt like crying. You blame yourself.

“We’ve got old people who give a pound every week.”

Asked what he thought of the thieves, Mr Davison said: “They’re scum.”

But he has vowed to keep supporting Help for Heroes, which he began collecting for about two years ago.

Police say the theft took place between 11.07pm and 11.30pm and the crooks broke in via the back door using ‘extensive force’.

The jar stolen was clearly labelled ‘Help for Heroes’.

CCTV footage shows a man approaching the rear of the shop at about 11.07pm. He is described as in his 30s, 5’10” tall, of large build with a prominent belly, short brown hair shaved on the sides and a round, heavy set face. He was wearing a light blue hooded top with dark bottoms and dark trainers.

At 11.30pm, a man matching this description was seen walking away from the scene.

Anyone with information on the theft is asked to call PC Chris Anderson on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800-555-111.