THE majority of people who responded to a survey are in favour of plans for 23 new affordable homes on the edge of a Weardale town, a company has claimed.

Signet Planning held a consultation event in Stanhope last September to gauge public reaction to plans to build the homes at East End in the town.

The land next to the Weardale Motor Services garage is currently used for grazing animals and sits within the town’s settlement limits, which determine where it is appropriate to build.

Now the plans have formally been submitted to Durham County Council for planning permission.

The council is currently holding its own consultation on the plans, but according to Signet Planning around 50 per cent of their respondents were in favour with 38 per cent opposed and 12 per cent undecided.

A report by Signet said the figures show a positive result from a consultation event.

The report said: “Overall there was a strong level of support for the proposed development.

“Public consultation events regularly suffer with objectors presenting their concerns with little interest demonstrated by those who may be in support of the scheme.”

The company said the biggest issues surrounded parking and access to the new estate.

The council’s guidelines say every new home must have 1.5 parking spaces, but the Stanhope development would have 1.39 parking spaces per home, including six unallocated bays for visitors.

Signet said that while the parking is below the council’s expectations, because 15 of the homes are only two-bedroom, with eight having three bedrooms, the parking would be sufficient.

In response to concerns raised, the developer Partner Construction has also increased the number of bungalows in the estate.

The report concluded by saying there is a significant need for affordable homes in Stanhope with several visitors to the consultation expressing an interest in living in the new homes.

Residence in the homes would be managed by Riverside Housing Association.

The council’s consultation is due to end on Thursday, April 4, with the application scheduled to go before a planning committee in June.

For more information or to comment on the plans, visit