A FARM cart has been turned into a work of art to highlight the plight of the world’s homeless.

Created by Central Lancashire University contemporary art research fellow Susan Welsh, it is on display at the Durham Art Gallery /DLI Museum) in Durham City until Saturday ( March 23).

Today (Thursday March 21) people had the chance to interact with the artwork by pulling it around the city.

The two-wheeled wooden cart has been transformed into a complex container of memories and is intended to celebrate the resilience and adaptability of migrant communities.

CART in Durham is part of Is it time?, a multi-artform, multi-disciplinary project that involves academics, artists, cultural organisations, communities and the public in interactive activities, performances and events in County Durham between October 2012 and this coming July.

As well as pulling the cat, people can get involved by listing the ten items they would take with them if they were forced to leave their home.

“Pulling the cart will give people the experience of what it feels like to be forced to leave your belongings, your home, your family, your country, your language, your religion,” said Richard Bliss, Creative Director of Projects Galore, the company behind Is it time?

“People are constantly being displaced, whether they are travellers who are forced off their temporary sites, or refugees fleeing war or persecution, carts bind all these people together.”

Funded by Arts Council England, CART in Durham has been organised by Projects Galore in with the Institute of Advanced Study at Durham University.