ESTATE agents and council wardens have been given tips on how to spot the tell-tale signs left by cannabis farmers.

Durham Constabulary and Crimestoppers staged at conference at the Rivergreen Centre, in Aykley Heads, Durham City as part of a national campaign to deal with the growth of commercial cannabis farms.

Acting Detective Chief Inspector Caroline Dawson, from Durham Constabulary, said: "The purpose of the event was to encourage people to report any suspicions they may have about cannabis being grown in the area they work or live and to make them aware of some key signs that cannabis is being grown in a property".

Signs indicating that a property might be being used to cultivate cannabis include a strong or unusual smell coming from the address or associated vehicles; curtains being drawn to windows covered; regular visits being paid to an empty property or gardening equipment being taken into an address.

DCI Dawson added: "We hope the event has made it clear that we are extremely interested in cannabis being grown and will take every opportunity to disrupt this activity.

"We want criminals to know we will not be making it easy for them to use County Durham and Darlington to hide their cannabis farms and we will be taking robust action in partnership with local residents, businesses and partner agencies against people involved in this activity".

Anyone with information is asked to contact Durham Police on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800-555-111