JUSTIN Welby’s successor as Bishop of Durham is expected to be named this summer.

The process, which follows a well-trodden routine, always takes several months but insiders say is moving with unusual speed following Archbishop Welby’s exit. Sources say the Diocese is looking for someone willing to continue the many changes begun by the departed Bishop and his successor could even be an internal promotion.

Around 150 people attended a public meeting to discuss the appointment at Durham Johnston School, in Durham City, last month. Afterwards, the Archbishops’ and Prime Ministers’ appointments secretaries, Caroline Boddington and Sir Paul Britton respectively, held one-to-one talks.

A Durham Diocese Vacancy In See Committee has been established to produce a person and role brief.

Earlier this week, the Diocese announced the names of the six people who would represent it on the Crown Nominations Commission (CNC), which will interview candidates and submit two names to the Prime Minister, who by convention accepts the first and passes it to the Queen for approval.

The six are: the Venerable Stuart Bain, Archdeacon of Sunderland; the Rev Canon Sheila Bamber, Canon Provost of Sunderland Minister who has been tipped as a future bishop; Rev Canon John Dobson, Area Dean of Darlington; Dr Angus Goudie and Dr Jamie Harrison, both of Durham City; and Margaret Vaughan, of Eaglescliffe. The deadline for nominations is Monday, April 8.