A THIEF has been banned from a shop for nine months after admitting stealing coffee on two occasions.

Richard Edward Wilson stole the jars from the Premier Store in his hometown of Shildon on February 20 and 22, magistrates in Newton Aycliffe were told.

Wilson, 44, of Garbutt Close, admitted both thefts, which had a total value of £17.97.

Prosecutor Jonathan Bambro said Wilson took the Nescafe jars and on the second occasion also stole an Aero chocolate bar.

Mike Clarke mitigating said Wilson was waiting for his benefits to re-start after being released from prison and had no money.

He said his client has a history of drink and drug problems which are now being addressed.

Magistrates ordered Wilson to complete a nine month community order with supervision and pay £122.97 in costs and compensation.

They also banned him from the Premier Store in Shildon for nine months.