IF anyone told me this time last year that I would be part of a choir singing in Durham Cathedral I would never have believed them, says reporter LIZZIE ANDERSON.

Yet, today (Wednesday, March 20), I joined fellow members of the Lindisfarne Gospels Community Choir for a mini concert in the grand 11th century building on St Cuthbert’s Day.

The original intention had been to perform four pieces on Palace Green but, due to inclement weather, we decided to sing two songs, The Wayfaring Stranger and Give me a Clean Heart, within the cathedral itself.

It was a nerve-wracking but exhilarating experience and it was magical to hear our voices fill the historic building.

The Lindisfarne Gospels Community Choir was set up last summer as part of a campaign to recruit 1,000 singers for a huge outdoor concert on Palace Green.

The concert, on June 30, will coincide with the medieval manuscript’s arrival in Durham City.

Many existing choirs and hundreds of individuals of all ages and abilities have signed up, with an ever-growing group attending regular rehearsals led by Mish Kelly, Durham Cathedral’s director of musical outreach.

The next session takes place at the Assembly Rooms, North Bailey, Durham City, at 2pm on Saturday, March 23.

New members are always welcome.

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