A FLEET of airborne engineers are to be used to survey the region’s power lines.

Northern Powergrid is planning to use helicopters to check all 3,000 kms of its power lines and 15,000 pylons and support structures for damage or decay.

The survey will take about four weeks, beginning on March 25. Landowners and farmers are being urged to be aware of the inspections which may disrupt livestock in fields where the overhead lines cross.

Gary Bartholomew, Northern Powergrid’s network inspections manager said: “Our power lines are often located in isolated areas and take quite a battering during the winter months from snow, rain and high winds.

"Checking them from the air is by far the best and most efficient way of making sure they’re in good working order. The crew not only cover a lot of ground quickly, but also they can fly really close to the cable.

“The helicopters will be flying at low level and at speeds of about 30 kilometres an hour, so there will be some noise.

“However, we would like to reassure all farmers and landowners that we’ll take every reasonable measure to prevent disrupting livestock by keeping noise to a minimum and will avoid areas where sensitive livestock are grazing if possible.”

Anyone who would like more information can call the Northern Powergrid contact centre on 08450-707172.