A MAJOR overhaul of an historic swing bridge used by thousands every day is nearing completion.

The bridge across the Esk estuary at Whitby dates back to 1909 and is being upgraded by the county council at a cost of £250,000.

The work has been designed to restore its appearance and to reduce the likelihood of breakdowns – such as one in 2010 which left the town effectively cut in half for a week.

However due to the severity of the winter weather, painting of the underside of the main beams and an upgrade of the navigation lights have been postponed until later in April after the busy Easter period.

And between April 15 and 26 - barring the weekend - the bridge will be closed between midnight and 6am to allow the work to be completed.

Local county councillor Joe Plant said: “Whitby is one of the country’s major centres of tourism and is very proud of its historic bridge which connects the north and south sides of the town at its centre.

“This upgrade will ensure the bridge remains in good condition into the future.

“ Weather permitting the remaining works can be completed in April with minimum disruption to residents and visitors.”