A VICAR reporting the theft of lead from a church roof was startled when police asked her to preserve footprints in the snow.

Wrought iron gates and lead from the porch was taken from St Thomas’ Church in Harelaw, Annfield Plain, near Stanley, between Sunday night and Monday morning.

Reverend Heather Murray found a set of footprints in the snow and thought they may have given police a clue to catch the thief.

But when she called Durham Constabulary she was told officers were unable to attend until later and asked her to preserve the crime scene herself.

Rev Murray said: “I noticed the footprints in the snow so I followed them and found the lead had been stolen.

“The footprints were from an adult with big feet. I rang to report it during the course of the conversation they asked if I would be to cover the set of footprints and preserve them until the police came out to see me later, which would have been 4pm.

“I said it would not be possible because the snow was melting and also I had a funeral later that day and they might be trampled on.

“The only appointments available were 2pm or 4pm but the earlier one was not convenient, so they were not able to use the footprints.”

It is the third time St Thomas’, a grade two listed building, built in 1840, has been targeted by lead thieves, who have already caused £5,500 worth of damage, this year.

Rev Murray said: “To think of stealing from a church is about as low as you can go.”

Durham Police said metals thefts in the force area have fallen by almost 60 per cent in the last 12 months A force spokesman said: “If someone is reporting a crime and there is possible evidence, it would be standard procedure to ask the caller if they could preserve this in any way.

“In this particular case the rain on Monday morning was starting to turn the snow to slush, so it would have been very difficult for a crime scene examiner to take any worthwhile prints even if they had been able to attend within a few hours.”

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