SCHOOLGIRL Becky Dumain and her friends in Year One have inspired her mum to start a new business aiming to help parents and carers who are often bewildered by their children's maths homework.

Becky's mum, Kate, has launched Maths M8 which aims to show parents and carers just how maths is taught in schools these days so they don't need to be afraid of confusing their child as they try to help with homework.

Becky, six, attends Holy Trinity-Rosehill CE Primary School in Stockton.

Kate Dumain, from Stockton-on-Tees, said: "The way maths is taught in school now is very different to the rote learning of times tables that we endured at school. I know how daunting it can be when your child comes home needing help with maths but you just don't understand how they are supposed to be doing it. Trying to teach them the methods you used in school might confuse them so what do you do?"

Maths M8 is all about introducing you to the new methods in a simple, informal and fun way. It's not like going back to school.

You can enjoy one to one sessions, coffee cake and maths sessions with a groups of friends at times to suit you.

All the sessions are delivered by qualified maths teachers.

Mrs Dumain said: "We all want to help our children with their homework and Maths M8 is here to make sure you can."

To find out more ring Maths M8 on 07793284266 or email or to book a session. MathsM8 is also on facebook and at