A DRUGS-RUNNER caught delivering thousands of pounds worth of amphetamine to pay off a debt to a dealer is now behind bars.

Karl Wilson, 33, was stopped by police in an Audi in Eryholme, between Darlington and Northallerton, North Yorkshire, on September 30.

The amphetamine - worth about £3,000 - was found in the car and the driver was banned from the roads, said prosecutor Richard Bennett.

Wilson, of Hargreave Terrace, Darlington, pleaded guilty to possessing Class B drugs with intent to supply and driving while disqualified.

He also admitted using a vehicle without insurance, and was jailed for eight months and banned for two more years at Teesside Crown Court.

Judge Peter Armstrong told him: "Those who are couriers of not insubstantial amounts of drugs play a significant role in the chain."

Dan Cordey, mitigating, said Wilson had been an addict for "a very long time" but had never before been involved in supplying drugs.

"On this occasion, he was a courier, and played a limited role," said Mr Cordey. "He possesses amphetamine but he is not a dealer."