We have already started to experience bad weather with recent flurries of snow so I hope that the next few weeks leading up to Christmas don't mean that vulnerable people will be suffering.  Can I encourage all those who are in a position to do so, to look in on their elderly neighbours to make sure they are warm and well.

County Durham Community Foundation is running a Surviving Winter campaign and inviting those who can afford to do so, to divert their Winter Fuel Payment to us in order that we can support those who have to choose between heating and eating. Please visit our website for more information www.cdcf.org.uk.

However, we would also like to take this opportunity to wish everyone in County Durham and Darlington a very merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. Let's hope that we can build on the positive messages from 2012 with the success of the Olympics and the Jubilee celebrations. We have a Royal baby to look forward to so that's a good start.

All good wishes from CDCF.