A PRANK which got out of hand ended with two boys admitting a charge of robbery when they appeared before court.

The offence centred on an incident at Bishop Auckland bus station in July when the two youths – aged just 14 and 12 at the time – attempted to take a mountain bike from their victim.

However, in the struggle that ensued, they were only able to get away with the bike seat, causing damage to the rear wheel in the process.

Newton Aycliffe Youth Court was told the younger of the two boys and his mother had moved to a different area because she was worried about who her son was associating with.

Andrew Clinton, representing the older boy, said: “It was a spur of the moment thing, more in the nature of a prank that has become more serious.”

Both boys, who cannot be named for legal reasons, had apologised to their victim, the court was told.

Both pleaded guilty to robbery and were each made subject to a six-month referral order and ordered to pay compensation and costs of £92.50.