MUSIC sung by Durham Cathedral Choir has been released on general sale.

The CD, recorded by Priory Records, includes the first recording of composer James MacMillan’s Missa Dunelmi, or Durham Mass, which was given its world premiere last year.

Commissioned by Durham Cathedral, the recording was launched at a reception after evensong yesterday.

The choir has sung the mass at home and abroad, with performances in France, Germany and Holland.

James Lancelot, master of the choristers and organist, said: “I am confident that it will take its place in the repertoire as a valued setting of the liturgy.”

The CD is the first recording of the choir using the girls’ treble voices as the top line.

Mr Lancelot said: “The introduction in 2009 of a team of girl choristers to sing as members of the cathedral choir was both immensely exciting and rewarding and also an expression of faith in the future of English cathedral music.

“The first CD recording to feature the girl choristers is a major milestone.”

The CD is available from the cathedral shop.