A DISPLAY of traditional North-East handicrafts was exhibited over the weekend.

The selection of proggy and hooky mats went on show at Bowburn Community Centre, near Durham, on Saturday.

The Rug Fest and open day includes examples of wall hangings, braiding, knitting, weaving and spinning and was organised by Clayport Matters Group.

Group secretary spokesman Pat Crossley, from Newbottle, in Houghton-le-Spring, said: “We had a good response because it is part of our heritage.

“People remember their mothers sitting in front of the coal fire doing clippy mats.

“We have moved on a lot since then though and are now a lot more artistic, but it has brought in a lot of crafts that have been forgotten.

“There was all sorts going on and the kids loved it because it is new to them and it is a lot of fun.”

There were also stalls, a raffle, tombola and cakes on sale.

The group, now in its tenth year, has 56 members and meets for mat-making sessions at Clayport Library, in Millennium Place, Durham, on Mondays, from 10am to noon, and between 1pm and 3pm, as well as at Bowburn Community Centre on Wednesdays, from 10am to noon.