STUDENTS are hoping to break a leg this week with their production of a classic show.

Durham University Light Opera Group is performing Gilbert and Sullivan's HMS Pinafore at Durham Town Hall every night this week, except Thursday, from 7.30pm, until Friday.

DULOG spokesman Simon Lynch said: “The group aims to produce professional quality musical theatre and light opera, showcasing the finest theatrical talent Durham University has to offer.

“Set on board the British sailing ship HMS Pinafore, this charming tale follows the complexities of love in an era where social standing and convention means everything.

“Yet Gilbert and Sullivan’s inspired opera, peppered with silliness and gaiety, strives to encapsulate the age-old adage that love does indeed conquer all.

“HMS Pinafore promises to combine the visually stunning with the vocally scintillating, offering a production with romance, satire and frolics, all in the historic and beautiful setting of Durham’s Town Hall.”

Musical numbers include I’m Called Little Buttercup, I am the Captain of the Pinafore and We Sail the Ocean Blue.

Tickets cost £6.50-£8 and can be booked by calling 0753-402-6338 or emailing