A PARTIALLY-sighted teenager is taking part in a rickshaw charity challenge with North-East television star Matt Baker.

Darren Tambin, from Coxhoe, County Durham, will be taking on a 411-mile rickshaw ride for BBC Children in Need with the One Show host, over eight days from Friday.

Together with five other youngsters from across the country, they will pedal from Llandundo, in North Wales, to London.

Mr Baker, who co-presents Countryfile on BBC1, will support the team of six and cycle alongside, the 17-year-old, who has had glaucoma since birth.

His mum Elaine, 41, dad Darren, 46, brother Sidney, 21, and sister Laura, 19, are all registered blind suffering from various conditions.

Darren said: “It was down to about six people so I’m really lucky to get a place.”

“I have mixed feelings about the distance but I have been on the machines exercising. I want to help BBC Children in Need because it helps a lot of charities not just one and if I can be a part of raising money and raising awareness for all of these different issues then that is great.”

It comes after Useful Vision, the charity based in Ponteland, Northumberland, which works with Darren, was approached by the BBC’s fundraisers.

Last year, Mr Baker, from Easington in County Durham but whose parents still live in Lanchester, pedalled from Edinburgh to London.

He said: “The Rickshaw Challenge is one of the toughest I’ve ever taken on. These youngsters are going to have their work cut out for them. We need to get behind them as they strive to raise as much money as possible for BBC Children in Need.”

To donate £5 to the team of rickshaw riders, text “TEAM” to 70705 or for more information, visit www.bbc.co.uk/pudsey