A MILITARY fundraising show is heading to a North East racecourse for a show to help support the work of ABF The Soldiers’ Charity.

The Salute Our Heroes show is heading to Sedgefield Racecourse, County Durham, for an evening of music.

The colourful show has thrilled North East theatre goers with a mix of popular songs, military pomp and ceremony.

Among those who will take part are the Royal Signals (Northern) Band, The Band of The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers and John Rowland.

Jill Williamson, general manager of the racecourse, said: “The proceeds of this concert will help the charity support soldiers wounded or injured in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“The North East soldiers are attending the personnel recovery unit based at Catterick Garrison.”

The concert is on Saturday, November 17, with doors open from 6pm and the show runs between 7pm and 10pm.

Tickets are £15 in advance and £17 on the door and they can be booked via the racecourse office on 01740-621925.