A COUPLE were disgusted to find an earwig inside a sealed bag of bread rolls bought from a supermarket.

Gary MacPhail and Jane Naisbett said they discovered the creepy crawly inside their bread bought on a weekly shop from Asda, in Leechmere, Sunderland.

They complained to the store but Asda bosses say they cannot fully investigate the complaint because the couple did not leave the item with them.

An inspection has been carried out at the bakery but the supermarket says there was no evidence of insects.

Ms Naisbett, 53, said: “I was absolutely terrified. If I was partially sighted I might have eaten it.”

The couple, from Hendon, in Sunderland, said they bought the rolls fresh on Monday and stuck them straight in the freezer at home.

They took them out to defrost on Wednesday morning when they said the earwig was discovered in the sealed bag.

Council-worker, Mr MacPhail, 47, said: “Jane lifted out the pack of rolls to make sandwiches and when they had defrosted, there was an earwig wriggling around inside the bag.

“The bag is still completely sealed, there’s no way it could have got in here.”

Gary said he took the rolls back to the store and claims he was offered a £5 voucher, although Asda say he was offered a £10 voucher as a goodwill gesture.

A spokesman for Asda said: “The quality of our products is our number one priority and we take any customer complaints incredibly seriously.

“We are at a loss to understand how this could have happened and unfortunately we were not given the opportunity to look at this product or investigate it properly.

“However, a thorough inspection of our bakery has found no evidence of any pests.”