SCHOOLCHILDREN are being put in danger because parents are parking illegally outside a primary school, a councillor has claimed.

Councillor Gerald Lee said motorists are flouting strict traffic orders outside Heighington CE Primary School and posing a serious accident risk by leaving their vehicles on the brow of Redworth Road hill.

The school has previously issued parents with a parking charter, which bans parking on Redworth Road and instead urges an informal one-way system around Highside Road and drop-off point close to the school’s entrance in Hopelands.

However, Coun Lee, ward member for Heighington, said despite constant reminders and numerous complaints, parents are continuing to disobey the rules laid down by school headteacher Neil Parker, road safety officers and Darlington Borough Council.

He said: “Drivers are putting the lives of other parents and their children at risk by making them drive towards a blind hill summit and into oncoming cars, wagons and buses.

“This could easily result in a head on accident and not many adults walk away from these, so imagine what could happen to a child.”

Coun Lee said the situation was improved when Darlington Borough Council installed new parking bays outside the school and built a car park in the sports field for parents to use on the school run.

However, he said despite the changes, he still had concerns over parents who refused to abide by the parking charter.

He said: “I know I’m not making myself popular when I confront parents parking on yellow lines, but I do it for the safety of the children and the parents’ because police do check and will issue parking penalty notices.

“The one-way system is not mandatory but does make a positive difference to road safety.

“Mr Parker is also going to install secure, covered cycle parking to encourage children to ride into school and this may reduce the number of cars.

“It has taken a long time to develop this safer but I believe with care, patience and adherence to the parking charter, children can continue to journey into school in safety.”