YOUNG musicians swapped their instruments for walking boots to raise money for a trip to France which will see them perform at Disneyland Paris.

Twenty-four Durham Music Service ensemble members were joined by staff for a ten-mile sponsored walk from Brancepeth to Lanchester, County Durham.

Jim Morgan, assistant director of the youth choir, said: “We were very lucky with the weather on the day. The young folk always seemed to be tireless and way ahead of me.”

The France trip is planned for next July, with more than 50 youngsters expected to travel. Those involved will observe Bastille Day, visit the Musee d’Orsay, Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower and perform in various concerts, including in Disneyland Paris theme park.

The youngsters have raised more than £400 towards its costs so far.

To support the trip, call 03000-262367 or send a cheque payable to Durham County Council, care of Elaine Myers.