HURWORTH ALL Saints Church Friday Night Drop- In Centre is open again after the half term on Friday 9th November, from 7pm to 9.30pm.

Martin Stand, Project Director of Darlington Area Churches Youth Ministry, is looking for a donation of two computers for the Centre.

So if anyone has a spare computer fit for purpose will they please ensure it is put to good use, and handed over.

On the Saturday 2nd, March, Darlington Area Churches Youth Ministry is having a sponsored abseil down St. Cuthbert’s Church, to raise money.

This could be an interesting and challenging way for both children and parents to participate in a worthwhile cause.

Parent helpers are also wanted to join an ongoing team of volunteers to work on a rota basis at the Centre, which will be once or twice a term.

Those interested are asked to contact Martin Stand for an informal chat about what the work entails.

Contact telephone number is, 07717336183 and email Parents need not worry about the cost, as it is not expensive for their children to attend the Drop-In Centre, £1.50 for a single session.

Pocket money may be needed though, for a bag of chips from the ‘chippy’ or tuck shop goodies.

There is now an option to pay each half term in advance, reducing the overall cost by fifty pence a week.

All of the money raised goes back into running the Centre.

The aim of the Centre is to give young people a safe place to meet friends and hang out, while having the freedom to come and go as they please.

Teens have a lot of fun. Each person has to sign in and collect a wristband, to ensure accountability, and for safeguarding.

For more information please go to Facebook and search for ‘Hurworth Friday Night Drop-In, the page is up to date!