DAFFODIL PLANTING: Families are being invited to plant daffodils in Willington this Sunday (November 4) and on Sunday, November 18. Meet at Willington Community Action Centre on High Street at 10.30am.

CHURCH FAIR: Willington Methodist Church will host a November Fair on Saturday (November 3) from 10am to noon. Entry will be 20p and attractions will include a raffle, tombola, gifts, cakes and refreshments. Next Friday, the Hope group will run a Messy Church event at the church from 3.30pm to 5pm for children up to the age of 11. The event is free but children must be accompanied by an adult. Attractions include crafts and games.

POLICE MEETING: Residents of Tow Law, Sunniside and Thornley are invited to meet their local police officers and discuss any issues at 7pm at the Masonic Hall in Tow Law on Thursday, November 15.

SHAKESPEARE SHOW: The Durham Shakespeare Group will present extracts from Much Ado About Nothing at St John’s Chapel Town Hall on Sunday, December 2, at 3pm. Tickets cost £8 in advance or £9 on the door and include an afternoon tea. Call 01388-537606 to book.

MUSICAL STORYTELLING: the Devil’s Violin will bring to life three classic stories including King Lear, Franklin’s Tales and the Wife of Bath’s Tale with live music at St John’s Chapel Town Hall on Thursday, November 15. Tickets cost £8 for adults, £7 concessions and £5 for children on the door or from 01388-537680. Show starts at 7.30pm.

YORK VISIT: The Butterwick Hospice will lead a coach trip to York on Saturday, November 17, leaving Bishop Auckland at 8am and departing York at 5.30pm. Tickets cost £15 from Lynn Albury on 01388-603003 or lynnalbury@butterwick.org.uk

CHRISTMAS MARKET: A Christmas fair will be held at Crook Football Club from noon to 5pm on Saturday, December 1. Entry is free and there will be stalls, games and attractions in a heated marquee while Father Christmas will also be in his grotto (entry £3). Stalls can be booked by calling Crook Community Partnership on 01388-765927.