A YOUNG villager has welcomed a scheme that will reward youths for good behaviour during a typically troublesome time.

Howden-le-Wear has had an issue with anti-social behaviour around bonfire night in the past with problems including youths setting fire to bins.

Now local police officers and councillors have joined forces to reward those youths who are well behaved in an attempt to encourage youngsters to stay away from trouble.

Youngsters aged between five and 18 are being given the chance to win one of 50 golden tickets over the school holidays and in the run up to bonfire night.

The ticket holders will then be entered into a prize draw and four winners will be selected to receive £50 worth of vouchers for a shop of their choice.

Josh Conlon, a 12-year-old villager, welcomed the scheme and said he was especially pleased to see well behaved youngsters get some of the attention.

He said a lot of emphasis is placed on dealing with and punishing youths who cause trouble and often the well-behaved youngsters are overlooked.

Josh said: “I think this is a good idea and will work because people will know that if they do good things then they will get rewarded.”

The scheme is being run by the Wear Community Alcohol Project funded by Baroness Newlove and is being supported by county councillors for the village John Bailey and Patricia Jopling, the police and several local groups and Durham County Council.

The tickets will be given out by beat officers and Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) who patrol the village.

PCSO Rebecca Carey said: “This is a great opportunity to reward young people for their good behaviour and hopefully will help to reduce anti-social behaviour in the village over the bonfire period.”

Michele Armstrong, chairman of the Wear Community Alcohol project, said: “Anti-social behaviour impacts on the well-being of the community and will not be tolerated.

“The aim of the golden ticket scheme is to redress the balance between praise and reward and enforcements methods, to build on the positive work and behaviour of most young people.”

The prize draw will be made on Friday, November 16.