A PHOTOGRAPHER who has spent 13 years working with hard to reach teenagers is launching a new service aimed at improving youth self esteem.

Emily Pearson started her career at a secure unit for children, including young murderers and rapists, and is currently helping youngsters get away from drugs and alcohol with Durham County Council’s 4 Real service.

The youth worker is now launching a new photography business with an emphasis on helping teenagers boost their self confidence.

She said: “I have worked with many trouble teens in my time and while it is not as simple as saying low self-confidence is the reason they have difficulty, there is no doubt that it plays a big part.

“I have seen with my own eyes the impact low self-esteem has on the lives of young people and can still remember what it was like to feel so isolated and alone, especially from adults.

“By getting pampered and taking pictures which prove to them that they are beautiful in their own ways and have a lot to offer, then it’s a big help in improving the way they feel about themselves and others around them.”

She has enlisted the help of a TV make up artist to emphasise the beauty in each person and plans to use a variety of locations to create true modelling experiences for the youngsters.

Ms Pearson said she first started her youth work because she felt she could make a difference in the lives of troubled young people and hopes her new photography company, Captured hearts, can help in a new way.

She is also offering a discount on the photography package for Northern Echo readers, for more information visit capturedheartsphotography.co.uk