POLICE are urging residents to be on the look out for youths starting bonfires after a spate of incidents.

Officers in Crook said there have been a number of calls to the West End Villas area of the town regarding youths building and lighting bonfires over the last few nights.

They said extra patrols are being made in the area but also issued advice to residents including securing wheely bins, not to leave garden waste or wood lying around and to report any bonfires to officers.

A spokesman for Crook Neighbourhood policing team said: “We and the fire service are working together to try and prevent these fires from occurring.

“However if anyone has information about the people involved in these incidents, please contact Police on 101 and ask to be put through to PCSO Rebecca Carey or a member of the beat team.

“Any help with this will be greatly appreciated.

“Extra patrols will be carried out over the next few nights and any offenders will be prosecuted.”

Officers also urged residents to dial 999 and ask for the fire service to deal with any fires, but said if youths are still in the area the police should also be called.