RESIDENTS across Darlington are urged to nominate deserving youngsters for an award to mark their triumph over adversity.

The Vibe Awards aim to recognise people who have gone the extra mile to achieve their goals in life, or who have given time to help others succeed.

The awards, organised by Darlington Borough Council and Darlington Building Society, are open for anyone between ten and 19-years-old.

Categories include voluntary contribution to the community and achievement against the odds, with separate awards for success in sports, the arts and learning.

All nominees will receive an award at a ceremony at the Civic Theatre in March.

Councillor Cyndi Hughes, cabinet member for children and young people, said: “The awards are our chance to formally and publicly thank the many young people out there who work hard to improve their own lives and the lives of others.

“Many of the achievements and successes of the young people we honour would be awe-inspiring and uplifting at any age but because they have been accomplished at such a young age make them even more phenomenal.”

Nomination forms are available by email at or by calling 01325-406610.

The deadline for nominations is Friday, November 30.