STEALING a forgotten handbag has cost a mother £115.

Annette Jasper from Shildon admitted taking the handbag from a shop in her hometown when she appeared at Newton Aycliffe Magistrates’ Court today. (OCT 31)

Prosecutor Claire Brinton said the bag’s owner had left it in the Freezer Shop and Jasper, who was shopping with her two daughters, picked it up at about 4.30pm on September 11.

She said the bag contained £120 in cash, a ring and a pair of ear rings.

When the owner realised she had left the bag she returned and was told that Jasper had taken it.

Ms Brinton said the owner found Jasper in the street and the 41-year-old of Foundry Street, had discarded it nearby.

Jasper said she only took £5 from the bag which she gave back to the woman, the court heard.

Ben Pegman for Jasper said his client insists that she did not take any more than £5 or any of the jewellery.

He said Jasper suffers from bipolar disorder and was in one of her “manic” periods at the time of the “opportunistic” theft.

Magistrates ordered jasper to pay £115 compensation to the bag’s owner and gave her a conditional discharge for 12 months.