SOLDIERS from the region have returned home following a demanding six-month operational tour in Afghanistan.

Troops from the 3rd Battalion The Rifles, which recruits across the North-East and North Yorkshire, arrived back at their base in Edinburgh at the weekend.

Around 450 soldiers were deployed to the Helmand Province in April 2012 as part of 12th Mechanised Brigade to command Task Force Helmand.

The soldiers took on a variety of roles, including training and mentoring Afghan security forces.

During the tour, the battalion lost Lieutenant Andrew Chesterman who died on August 9 while on patrol in the Nad 'Ali district.

Lieutenant Chesterman was commanding a vehicle patrol when the lead vehicle struck an improvised explosive device.

As he moved forward to take control of the situation, the patrol was engaged by insurgent small arms fire and Lieutenant Chesterman was shot. He later died at Bastion hospital.

The battalion will hold a Homecoming Parade in Edinburgh on Saturday, November 3, where they will be granted Freedom of Edinburgh City.