THE mighty Halifax bomber became one of the great symbols of air power during the Second World War.

The huge four-engined war machine helped take the Blitz back to Germany and more than 6,000 were originally built.

Sadly not one flying version still exists, although the Yorkshire Air Museum at Elvington near York contains a meticulously accurate reconstruction.

However visitors there can now try flying one themselves thanks to a new high-tech simulator.

The new virtual Halifax simulator will allow people to ‘fly’ a Halifax and attempt a landing at a designated airfield.

In a true test of hand, eye and feet co-ordination, visitors must manipulate the controls to line up your aircraft for the landing.

Museum director Ian Reed said:: “Our stunning Halifax MKIII bomber ‘Friday the 13th’ is perhaps the jewel in our collection, attracting visitors from all over the world as it is so rare.

“So to have a simulator that offers an experience of the skills needed to fly one will be a fantastic addition to our offering to visitors.”