NEWCASTLE University is tomorrow signing an agreement with universities in Indonesia to help raise educational standards and share medical research.

The agreement is due to be signed at a ceremony hosted by Prime Minister, David Cameron to celebrate the growing links between the two countries.

At the ceremony, alongside Science Minister David Willetts, Newcastle University's chair of council, Mark I'Anson is due to sign an agreement with the rector of the country's leading educational establishment, Universitas Indonesia.

This paves the way for the setting up next year of a Newcastle-Indonesia Doctoral Training Centre in Newcastle specialising in biomedical research excellence. The new centre will focus on biomedical research, including medicine, dentistry, and nutrition.

Based in Newcastle University's Faculty of Medical Sciences, the new training centre could provide up to 40 trainee doctors a year from Indonesia with the skills needed to conduct medical research - important to supporting their country's health service.

Mr I'Anson said: "The signing today builds on our long-standing relationship with Universitas Indonesia and paves the way for future collaborations."