A COUPLE suspected of kidnapping their four-month-old daughter from the care of social services were found at a County Durham pub after a nationwide police alert. 

The pair were arrested after police traced them to the Cricketers Arms in Barnard Castle, at 5pm today (Tuesday, October 30).

Earlier in the afternoon detectives issued a public appeal to find them after they vanished from the social services office in Greencroft, Stanley, with their baby daughter.

The alarm was raised on Monday following a pre-arranged visit made by the 31-year-old woman to see her child.

Staff were unaware that the girl's father, a 29-year-old man who is not allowed unsupervised contact with her, was waiting outside to drive off with his partner and their child.

Both police and social services said they were concerned about the baby's well-being in their care.

However she was found safe and well at the pub and is  now back in the care of social services.

Detective Superintendent Ken Donnelly said: “The vital information we needed came from a member of the public who had seen coverage of the investigation in the media.

“I am delighted we have managed to trace the family and would like to thank everyone for their help.

“The baby appeared to be safe and well and she is now being returned to the care of the local authority."

Officers found her father outside the pub having a cigarette. He was detained, and officers then entered the premises and discovered the mother and daughter in one of the upstairs bedrooms.

Both parents have been arrested on suspicion of exposing the child to neglect.

They are currently detained at separate police stations in County Durham.

Before the couple were found, Rachael Shimmin, corporate director for children and adults services at Durham County Council, said: "We have worked very closely with the immediate and extended family and feel sure that all involved remain committed to what is best for this little girl.”

Staff at the Cricketers Arms in Barnard Castle refused to comment when approached by The Northern Echo tonight.