A HAIR RAISING challenge saw a North-East man grow his beard for more than a year in support of troops.

Anthony McCabe, from Skelton, spent the year being compared to the likes of Harry Potter character Hagrid and Tom Hanks in Castaway, after growing his beard to almost 7 inches long.

The 33-year-old tree surgeon grew his hair and beard to raise money for the Help for Heroes charity.

He said: “I grew some facial hair for the Movember cause last November and just didn’t shave it off.

"My two best mates were set to go out to Afghanistan in March. As a joke I said I would not have a shave until they got back. They told me to do it for Help for Heroes and I’ve been growing it ever since.”

Mr McCabe, who has several relatives and friends in the forces, regularly sends photographs of his beard to troops in Afghanistan.

He says the photos give a much needed morale boost and is contemplating putting a calendar of the photos together to raise more money.

Mr McCabe has raised £1,700 so far and hopes to reach £2,000.

He said: “Everyone has jumped on this and done as much as they can to support me. It’s made me into a bit of a local celebrity – being full of hair with a big beard, I get a lot of strange looks. I will never judge a book by its cover again.”

A Beard Shave Off party has been organised for Friday, November 23. The event sold out in less than two days and will see Mr McCabe have his beard and hair completely lopped off.

He said: “I think I’ve picked the wrong time of year to shave, it’s going to be freezing.”

Donations can be made at: bmycharity.com/anthonymccabe