A CATHEDRAL which faced an uncertain choral future following the collapse of its choir school is inviting youngsters to audition to become choristers.

The Dean of Ripon Cathedral, the Very Reverend Keith Jukes, said he was determined to ensure its 1,000-year-old choral tradition continued after its choir school closed in July facing debts of £800,000.

While the choir has recruited a number of choristers since September, the cathedral’s director of music  Andrew Bryden said auditions would be held on Saturday, November 10, in a bid to complete 24-strong choirs of boys and girls.

Choristers, who previously had to attend the private choir school, can now be pupils from any school in Ripon area, and receive free musical and singing tuition in addition to being paid for singing in the choir.
Mr Bryden said he hoped to find boys in years three to six and girls in year five with a good ear, a natural voice and enthusiasm.

He said: “The choir’s main role is to sing services in the Cathedral, but there are numerous other opportunities including concerts, tours, recordings and singing on radio and television.”

The choir will perform Evensong live from the cathedral on BBC Radio 3 on Wednesday, November 14, at 3.30pm. 

For details about becoming a chorister, call 01765-603496 or email music@riponcathedral.org.