AGREEMENT has been reached after years of wrangling over leasing two areas of car park to The Station leisure and arts centre in Richmond. Coun John Blackie said it had been a long road trying to sort the situation out but it had been agreed the car parks would be leased at a cost of £7,500 a year.

BEDALE town councillors are looking at ways of granting the freedom of the town to a squadron from RAF Leeming. Coun Malcolm Young said the connection between the town and RAF Leeming is so important it would be a boost for the community. Mayor Coun Amanda Coates is in discussion with RAF Leeming but she said it could be complicated because of the way the squadrons work.

GRANTS are available through the trustees of Stokesley's Lady Hullock’s Trust. Anyone who has lived in the town for 12 months or more could be eligible for a grant for items or services. Contact 01642-710522 for more information.