THE YMCA has become embroiled in a political row after allegations that young people were used to deliver Labour Party election leaflets.

Durham County Councillor Owen Temple, a Liberal Democrat, has accused a Consett YMCA manager of asking Princes Trust course members to deliver the flyers in his ward.

The Consett North councillor said the group of six told him they were on a Princes Trust course, which has been run at the YMCA for several years to help youngsters find jobs.

The course is delivered by the YMCA's funding and monitoring manager, Sara-Jane Heslop - who is standing as Labour Party candidate in next year’s council elections.

Coun Temple said: “This is quite simply an abuse of position, and an abuse of charity law.

“The YMCA needs to root out any political bias if it is to be able to go on with its excellent youth work.”

Ms Heslop declined to comment on the matter, but Consett YMCA last night (Friday, October 26) issued a statement denying any wrong doing.

A spokesman said: “We take our responsibilities as a charity very seriously. Sara-Jane Heslop was on leave on Thursday, October 24, helping the Labour Party campaign in the area in her personal capacity.

“She saw some young people that she knew, who had finished their activities for the day. They offered to help and did this in their own time.”

Ms Heslop’s picture appeared on the leaflet that was being handed out along with Labour’s Councillor Clive Robson, who was elected in 1997 and is a member of the council cabinet.

A spokesman for the North-West Durham Labour Party said: "This seems pretty desperate stuff.

“Last time I looked it was not up to Lib Dem councillors to decide what individuals do in their own free time. It is deeply regrettable that Councillor Temple is trying to damage a charity that has done so much good work for young people in the area.”

But the Prince’s Trust said it would be in touch with the charity regarding the matter.

A spokesperson said: “We always advise our partners not to engage young people in activities such as this and will be reminding them of our guidance."