A REWARD of £2,000 is being offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible for sexually assaulting a 12-year-old girl.

The girl, who was on her way home from school, was assaulted in Stockton on Tuesday October 23.

The incident happened at around 4.20pm near to Chadwick Walk in the Hardwick area of the town.

The assailant, who rifled through the 12-year-old’s bag before sexually assaulting her, is described as being in his 30s with dark skin, possibly of Asian appearance.

He is of average build with a scar above one eyebrow and a large earring in one of his ears. He was wearing a black hoody and black baseball cap.

Police are investigating links between the attack and two separate reports, from October 18 and October 22, of young girls being approached by an Asian male travelling in a silver car.

On both occasions, the man asked the girls to get into his vehicle but drove off when they refused.

The £2,000 reward is being offered by the charity Crimestoppers. Their North East Regional Manager, Dave Hunter, said: ““This man has taken advantage of a young girl who should be able to walk to and from school without fear of being attacked.

“This is a disgusting crime and I am urging anyone with information as to who might have done this to contact Crimestoppers immediately, safe in the knowledge that your anonymity will not be compromised.”

If you have any information on this incident please contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or through our secure online form at www.crimestoppers-uk.org. Only information passed through the Crimestoppers number will qualify for a reward.