A MAN secretly filmed a young woman in private situations round her home, a court was told.

The defendant used his i-phone to covertly film the woman in the bathroom and bedroom.

Several times he filmed her having a bath and he also sneaked into her bedroom to conceal the camera to then record her drying and dressing.

Durham Crown Court heard he downloaded the footage captured onto his computer for future viewing.

The woman was oblivious she was being filmed, but the full extent of his activities only came to light when police visited his home, arrested him and seized his computer equipment, on March 18.

A computer expert examined the hard drive, revealing the footage filmed by the defendant, including the woman in private situations.

Jane Mitford, prosecuting, said some clips were short in duration, lasting a matter of seconds, but others ran for more than 20 minutes, during which the defendant was seen placing the camera phone and sneaking from the room before a gap, followed by the woman entering, unaware she was being filmed.

Miss Mitford said when the woman leaves the room there was a further break before the man returned to retrieve the camera.

He was arrested and accepted filming the woman without her consent, claiming it would have been over about two-and-a-half years.

But he denied making the recordings to gain sexual gratification.

The 42-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, today (FRI) admitted seven counts of voyeurism, recording private acts for sexual gratification without the person’s consent, between March 2008 and November last year.

Ian West, mitigating, told the court: “This man comes before you of previous good character.”

He said the defendant claimed to have begun the secret filming as he suspected the woman had stolen some of his CDs.

But Mr West claimed the filming, which took place in Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, had not gone on as long as was alleged in the charges.

Judge Christopher Prince said the length of time the filming had taken place was potentially an aggravating feature, which could effect the ultimate sentence.

He adjourned sentencing for the prosecution and defence to try to reach agreement over the period of the filming.

A restraining order was made preventing the man contacting the woman, “without further notice”.

The defendant, who must also now sign the Sex Offenders’ Register, was bailed to return for sentence on November 19.