THE family of a 14-year-old schoolboy found hanged in his bedroom said they could not understand his actions, an inquest heard.

Keiran Luke Stott, a pupil at Grangefield School, Stockton, died on June 7 this year.

His grandmother Jacqueline Dixon, told the Middlesbrough inquest: “The family cannot understand why he did this. He was a quiet and well natured boy. He had no grudges and no history of self harm. This came out of the blue.”

Mrs Dixon was babysitting Keiran and his three siblings at their home in Droitwich Avenue, Stockton when the tragedy happened.

She said Keiran went to his bedroom, where his grandmother assumed he was revising for an upcoming maths exam.

When she checked on him later, she found him. Kieran was later pronounced dead at the University Hospital of North Tees.

Members of his family and his GP told Teesside Coroner’s Court there had been nothing to suggest the popular teenager intended to take his own life. 

No note was found and police confirmed there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding his death.

Assistant Deputy Coroner Clare Bailey, who recorded  a verdict of death by misadventure, said: “There were no signs that anyone would think he wanted to kill himself.

"He was doing well at school and was an easy-going child who was part of a loving family. I do not believe for a minute he intended to take his own life.”