WORLD-renowned artist Mackenzie Thorpe has opened an innovative new cancer service at The James Cook University Hospital.

The acute oncology service at the Middlesbrough hospital has been set up to ensure all cancer patients get an expert opinion without delay - even if they have not been admitted to a cancer ward.

The new fast-track service, funded by Macmillan, aims to give each patient a better hospital experience and reduce the length of time they spend on a ward.

MR Thorpe said the new service puts cancer services at James Cook among the best in the world, adding: "It now makes this a leading health provider and we have it in our town, how cool is that?"

Operating from a new bay next to ward 14, the new service will admit patients who have complications directly relating to their cancer treatment and will be manned by acute oncology service co-ordinator Terri Jasper and specialist nurse Jane Moses.

The service will also support other divisions by helping to care for patients who have been admitted to other wards.

This will ensure patients have quick access to cancer experts which will help speed up recovery times.

"It's about getting that rapid response," said nurse consultant Nicky Hand.

"It's a radical new way of trying to manage cancer patients because we know that these patients do not want to be in hospital any longer than they have to be."