A TEENAGER who was fitted with titanium rods in her spine has zip wired from a North-East landmark for charity.

Emma-Jo Blundy, of Woodham, Newton Aycliffe, underwent major reconstructive surgery just three years ago to correct a curvature of the spine caused by the condition Scoliosis.

The 14-hour procedure at James Cook University Hospital, in Middlesbrough, left her with temporary paralysis in her legs caused by complications, which took a further two operations to correct.

The 17-year-old who works part-time as a barmaid was inspired to do the daring challenge off the Transporter Bridge, in Middlesbrough, for the Take a Day Out charity, which the Cobblers Hall pub where she works, does a lot of fundraising for.

Student Emma-Jo, who raised more than £240, said: “When they mentioned they were looking for volunteers to take part – I just jumped at the chance.

“I don’t generally tell people about my surgery, as that is all in the past and I just get on with things.

“The worst bit of it was climbing all of those stairs to the top of the bridge.

“I could tell that a few of the other people doing it were having second thoughts. When it came to my turn I balanced on the ledge, dangling over the edge and with the River Tees hundreds of feet below me.

“When the person at the bridge said ‘when you are ready, just let go’ – I didn’t even wait for them to finish, I was off. It was really fast and over all too quickly, I want to do it again.”