A KNITTING-MAD great-grandmother who has made more than 6,000 outfits for impoverished babies in Africa says she has no plans to put down her needles just yet.

Prolific knitter, Mary Yarrow, from Darlington, who celebrated her 80th birthday on Thursday (October 25) has been knitting clothes and toys for babies born into extreme poverty in Africa for ten years.

The babies are often sent home from hospitals wrapped in newspapers for warmth as their mothers cannot afford blankets.

The majority of the babies suffer from Aids and the knitted clothes are the only warm garments that they are likely to receive.

After hearing about their plight from a friend about ten years ago, Ms Yarrow decided pick up her knitting needles and has not stopped since, knitting around 700 items every year.

Ms Yarrow said: “I knit most nights because I really enjoy it.

“I knit vests, scarves, hats and finger puppets, all in bonnie colours to send to the babies. I pay for everything myself but don’t mind because I enjoy doing it and it’s for a good cause.”

Her friend, Margaret Jackson, collects the clothes and takes them to Eastbourne Methodist Church, in Yarm Road, Darlington, where they are eventually sent on to Africa.

She said: “Every time I go to see her she gives me another bag full of clothes and toys. When I take them to the church they can’t believe how many she knits.

“We are very proud of what she does. She told me she hopes they don’t stop doing it as she doesn’t know what she’ll do instead.”