FORCES FILM: A film about the lives of armed forces personnel linked to York will be shown on a mobile screen in St Helen’s Square as part of this year’s Illuminating York Festival. The production is part of the York Stories 2012 project to record and share the stories of people local to York. The film will be shown nightly from October 31 to November 3 between 6.30pm and 9.30pm.


PYJAMA PARTY: Children’s television show Blue Peter chose a York school to film the launch of its fundraising drive for this year’s Children In Need. Pupils at Robert Wilkinson School in Strensall, York, turned up for class in their pyjamas and dressing gowns as part of Blue Peter’s Go Pyjamas campaign. Today’s (Thursday 25) edition of the programme on CBBC showed staff and children at the school enjoying a surprise visit from Blue Peter presenter Barney Harwood. Chris Evans, deputy head at the school, said: “Blue Peter contacted us a little while ago to say they would like a school to help them promote their Children In Need appeal, which is called Go Pyjamas.” Now other schools and children’s organisations will be encouraged to organise their own Go Pyjamas party. The pupils of Robert Wilkinson raised about £700 for the annual BBC charity event.